
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 21, 2019

America Wasn't Founded on White Supremacy

Lucas Morel

Were the founding fathers' stated ideals different from their true intentions? Professor Lucas Morel explores this question through a critique of Nikole Hannah-Jones' influential piece for......

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October 21, 2019

The Ivory Debtors' Prison

Neetu Arnold

Administrative bloat and extraneous spending by colleges and universities are draining the American middle class while enriching administrators and politicians. 

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October 19, 2019

America’s Exceptional Guilt

Jason Ross

A Liberty University professor explains the emergence of the "neo-Garrisonian" view of the Constitution, recently promulgated in The New York Times' 1619 Project, ......

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October 18, 2019

Academic Freedom in the Age of Double-Mindedness

Peter Wood

The Overton Window should be at its widest in the academy but rarely is that the case. In this acceptance speech, Peter wrestles with how to widen that window.

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October 18, 2019

Reclaiming 1619

Kevin R. C. Gutzman

A prominent historian critiques the New York Times' over-simplified portrayal of American slavery, instead offering a more holistic account of the events surrounding our country'......

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