Press Releases

View all press releases issued by the National Association of Scholars.

February 26, 2020

Scholars File Amicus Brief for Appeal of Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard College

National Association of Scholars

NAS files an amicus brief in the U.S. Court of Appeals supporting Asian-American students in their case against the use of racial preferences at Harvard.

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December 12, 2019

Daniel Asia Nominated to the National Council on the Arts

National Association of Scholars

President Trump announced December 10th his intent to nominate prominent classical composer, professor of music, Daniel Asia, to be a Member of the National Council on the Arts.

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December 9, 2019

Social Justice Education in America

David Randall

On December 6th at a launch event co-hosted with the James G. Martin Center, the National Association of Scholars (NAS) released Social Justice Education in America, a report analyzing the influence o......

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October 21, 2019

Peter Wood Receives Jeane Kirkpatrick Prize for Academic Freedom

National Association of Scholars

The Overton Window should be at its widest in the academy but rarely is that the case. In his acceptance speech, Peter wrestles with how to widen that window.

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October 3, 2019

Scholars Disappointed by Decision Upholding Harvard Discrimination

National Association of Scholars

The United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts upholds racial discrimination in admissions by Harvard University. 

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