Press Releases

View all press releases issued by the National Association of Scholars.

June 24, 2016

Legislation, Not Litigation, Can Repeal Racial Preferences, Says NAS

National Association of Scholars

PRESS RELEASE: The NAS affirms it will continue fighting racial discrimination in higher education.

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June 14, 2016

College Board Shreds European History, Study Finds: Faith and Freedom Gone

National Association of Scholars

PRESS RELEASE: NAS releases a critique of the revised Advance Placement European History Examination.

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May 27, 2016

NAS Defends Gail Heriot in Transgender Controversy

National Association of Scholars

PRESS RELEASE: The National Association of Scholars supports board member and University of San Diego law professor Gail Heriot, whose testimony on transgender bathroom use has been attacked as &......

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February 9, 2016

Progressive Propaganda for Captive Collegians, Study Finds

National Association of Scholars

PRESS RELEASE: NAS publishes a new edition of its comprehensive study of freshman summer reading, Beach Books 2014-2016: What Do Colleges Want Students to Read Outside Class?.

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January 27, 2016

Fix Values, Not Statues, Says National Association of Scholars

National Association of Scholars

PRESS RELEASE: The NAS releases an 11,000-word statement on the purposes of higher education.

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