Press Releases

View all press releases issued by the National Association of Scholars.

July 16, 2010

Scholars Champion AZ Civil Rights Initiative

NAS endorsed the Arizona Civil Rights Initiative, which will be on the Arizona ballot in November. If passed, it will ban race-based discrimination in public colleges and universities.

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June 17, 2010

Scholars Join Fight to Save 209

The California Association of Scholars, an affiliate of the NAS, has filed a motion to intervene in a lawsuit against Proposition 209.

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June 3, 2010

What Colleges Want Freshmen to Read

The National Association of Scholars has released a study of colleges that assign a single book as summer reading to incoming freshmen.

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June 4, 2009

NAS Pleased By Leach Nomination to NEH

Steve Balch

NAS comments on the nomination of James A. Leach to head the National Endowment for the Humanities.

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