Recent Articles

Liberty for All!

Join us as we celebrate America’s birth, and prepare for the 250 anniversary of our nation with our new American Revolution series.

Press Release: NAS Maryland Affiliate Report Finds Constitutional Problems in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policies at Twelve University System of Maryland Campuses

The Maryland Affiliate of the National Association of Scholars has released a new report finding constitutional problems with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and policies wit......

“Fine for Me, But Not for Thee”

The Harvard dean of social science continues to uphold his “chilling effect” stance for faculty amidst criticism.

Title IX: Victory and Hope as Multiple Courts Rule Against Biden

All courts to review the Education Department’s Title IX actions—including the rule—have found them unlawful. Between June 13 and 18, four federal courts sided against the Administra......

Most Recent from Minding The Campus

Just Like MIT, Every University Should Reject Political ‘Diversity Statements’

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by RealClear Education on June 25, 2024. It is crossposted here with permission. MIT’s announcement that it will no longer require prospecti......

Foreign policy scholar warns of Arab country donations to American universities

Editor’s Note: This article was originally published by College Fix on July 1, 2024. It is crossposted here with permission. A pro-Israel group is raising concerns about foreign countries’ dona......


DEI and Maryland College Campuses

This report surveys the diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and administrative initiatives at 12 University System of Mayland campuses.

The Franklin Standards

These model K-12 state science standards seek to restore informed and disciplined curiosity to American science education, along with the spirit and the rigor of America's first great scientist an......

The Illusion of Institutional Neutrality

College presidents often come under the spotlight for their political pronouncements or lack thereof. Since college presidents must contend with difficult issues of morality, principle, and politics a......

Imbalanced: A Study of Influence at the University of Virginia

This analysis finds that political donations from the faculty and staff of the University of Virginia go almost exclusively to the Democratic Party. If the faculty and staff are combined, the ratio of......


July 2, 2024

Liberty for All!

Join us as we celebrate America’s birth, and prepare for the 250 anniversary of our nation with our new American Revolution series....

June 25, 2024

“Fine for Me, But Not for Thee”

The Harvard dean of social science continues to uphold his “chilling effect” stance for faculty amidst criticism....

June 18, 2024

The Elites On Fire: The Ivys and Anti-Semitism

Will the Ivy League regain its former standing in higher education? Only time will tell....


The Antisemitism Awareness Act Misses the Mark

Let’s enforce existing laws rather than grandstand for new ones.

Creating Students, Not Activists

The mobs desecrating the American flag, smashing windows, chanting genocidal slogans—this always was the end game of the advocates of the right to protest, action civics, student activism, direc......

Press Releases

Press Release: NAS Maryland Affiliate Report Finds Constitutional Problems in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policies at Twelve University System of Maryland Campuses

The Maryland Affiliate of the National Association of Scholars has released a new report finding constitutional problems with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs and policies wit......

Press Release: The Franklin Standards

NAS and FIE want to inspire America’s state education departments to provide science standards that teach American students to claim their country’s scientific and technological heritage a......


Event: Presenting the Franklin Standards: Model K-12 Science Standards

Join us for the launch of the Franklin Standards, new K-12 science standards which prepare students for college and careers requiring substantial mathematical content knowledge.

Event: Biden's Bad Title IX Rule: What You Need to Know

What is Title IX? How did Title IX become so weaponized and controversial? Join us for an in-depth discussion on Title IX and the new disastrous Biden administration rule.