Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

We present our weekly review of selected student editorialists and opinion commentators.  For this week, they continue to scrutinize Occupy Wall Street, the GOP's best hope for winning next year, unconstitutional campus speech codes and the shameful assasination of a US citizen by his own government.

  1. In light of the ongoing Occupy Wall Street protests, some columnists for the Spectator examine Columbia University’s connections to the local financial district. In this view, the university’s ties to the corporate world are problematic and troubling; on the other hand, while the relationship is complicated, the authors this piece see opportunity rather than guilty complicity.
  2. In the view of a guest columnist for the Daily Nebraskan, the OWS protestors have real potential to challenge to ruling elite, although for the reasons widely assumed.
  3. At the same time, a commentator for the Daily at the University of North Texas notes that there’s a local Occupation going on in nearby Dallas. It looks like a lot of fun, but she’s not sure what the point is otherwise.
  4. Corporate responsibility is a great idea in the view of a staffer for the Michigan Daily, one that she thinks will more likely come to fruition if business majors take some courses in social justice.
  5. Although administrators at the University of Wisconsin/Stout campus may have acted from understandable motives, the editors of the UConn Daily Campus still think that their censorship of a theater arts professor was unjustified.
  6. In a similar vein, the editorial board of the Kansas State Collegian argue that their school’s speech code is purely, simply, flatly unconstitutional.
  7. Times and social norms have changed dramatically with regard to unmarried co-habitation, and a regular for the Daily Tar Heel thinks this new reality should be reflected in the UNC/Chapel Hill’s undergraduate housing policies.
  8. In the wake of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it’s inevitable that greater security measures were needed. But an op ed writer for the USC Daily Gamecock says we’ve gone way over the top in violating everyone’s personal privacy.
  9. The recent assassination in Yemen of a US citizen on the Obama administration’s authorization strikes the editors of the Stanford Daily as shameful. It’s what you’d expect of a dictatorship, but not a democracy.
  10. A guest columnist for the U of A Crimson White urges the campus administration to provide leadership in resolving ongoing racial difficulties.
  11. If the GOP is serious about unseating Barack Obama next year, a political analyst for the OSU Lantern suggests that they’d better think seriously about Mitt Romney’s candidacy.
  12. A regular for the Daily Utah Chronicle argues that the passivity and meekness of women’s traditional roles make them much more vulnerable to sexual assault. It’s time to stop submitting and be assertive.
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