Collegiate Press Roundup 1-6-11

Glenn Ricketts

We present our regular review of selected student journalists and editors. Time magazine’s bad choice, possible Democratic strategies for 2012 and the activist role of campus newspapers are under scrutiny this week. 

1)      A regular columnist for The Dartmouth is still depressed about the Democratic debacle last November. But he thinks that his party can regain some lost ground by talking up immigration reform as its central campaign pitch between now and 2012.

2)      If you think that the Wall Street meltdown in 2008 was something, just wait until the looming, wholly unnoticed college loan crisis hits the fan, warns an MIT Tech commentator.

3)      As the Spring semester commences, the editors of the Michigan Daily indicate that the paper’s major thrust in the new year will aim to re-vitalize student activism.

4)      A staffer for the Daily Bruin urges UCLA students to make the world a better place in 2011 – it’s basically a simple matter of resolving to do so.

5)      A guest op ed writer for the Daily Iowan thinks that Time magazine really blew it in making the annual “Person of the Year” award.

6)      George Washington University has at long last decided to provide a gender-neutral undergraduate housing option . But that wouldn’t have happened, says a columnist for the GW Hatchet, without sustained pressure from student activism.

7)      AT UC Irvine, the editors of the New University  think that Wikileaks is doing some pretty good work, and should not face prosecution just because they’ve embarrassed a few shifty politicians.

8)      While we can indeed acknowledge and regret the historic injustices perpetrated against various groups, a writer for the Indiana Daily Student doesn’t think it’s a good idea to exact punitive damages from later generations to compensate.

9)      For those bewildered by the endless cycles of war, unemployment and economic calamities, a columnist for the Kentucky Kernal finds solace and wisdom from a non-western source.

10)  At Yale, a bipartisan student group in hopes of overcoming destructive political polarization in 2012 elaborate their choice for president for readers of the Daily News.

11)  Students at Williams College really need to unglue themselves from the sports page and take note of the many pressing humanitarian issues around the globe, says an opinion writer for the Record, as he calls for greater awareness and resolute activism.

12)  A colleague in the Daily Utah Chronicle is likewise trying to shake his peers out their exasperating apathy. What, with big tuition hikes looming, why can’t they take their hands out of their pockets and emulate their British and French counterparts?

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