Introducing Fall 2012 Intern Crystal Plum

National Association of Scholars

Crystal Plum is a senior at The King's College. She will receive her Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics, Philosophy, and Economics in May 2013. This summer, she spent three weeks in China with a group of ten students and faculty from King's and talked with students at a university in Shanghai about politics, economics, and the arts. She previously served as a student "scholar," an academic peer adviser at King's. She enjoys writing and traveling and hopes to pursue a career in the field of education.

Here’s what Crystal has to say about starting at NAS:

It is through my internship with NAS that I have been given the opportunity to go beyond classroom learning and discover how theoretical principles apply to the real world of higher education. I hope to develop a wider awareness of today’s key issues so that I may become better equipped to further the cause for high standards and academic freedom in higher education.

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