NAS/Centiment Poll: North Carolinians Support Intellectual Diversity

National Association of Scholars

This Centiment/NAS poll, conducted from February 15-17, 2023, surveyed a representative sample of 1,020 registered voters in North Carolina with a margin of error of ± 3.1% (95% Confidence Interval). Respondents were asked whether they agreed or disagreed with several statements about the University of North Carolina and public higher education. Respondents were well represented across all major demographic categories of age, race, sex, education level, and voter registration. Summary statistics reporting average responses were weighted to reflect population level representation, although the impact of weights is minimal (less than the margin of error) because of the excellent demographic coverage of the sample.

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  1. UNC-Chapel Hill should promote freedom of thought and speech

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 UNC-Chapel Hill should promote freedom of thought and speech 1.0 3.0 2.7 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Disgree or strongly disagree 44 4.5% 45.9
2 Neutral 201 22.2% 226.4
3 Agree or Strongly Agree 775 73.3% 747.7
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. Diversity of viewpoint is a very important form of diversity for all colleges and universities.

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 Diversity of viewpoint is a very important form of diversity for all colleges and universities. 1.0 3.0 2.7 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Disagree or Strongly Disagree 52 5.2% 53.2
2 Neutral 210 22.4% 228.6
3 Agree or Strongly Agree 758 72.4% 738.1
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. UNC-Chapel Hill needs to do more to teach skills of respectful disagreement and dialogue necessary for citizenship.

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 UNC-Chapel Hill needs to do more to teach skills of respectful disagreement and dialogue necessary for citizenship. 1.0 3.0 2.6 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Disagree or Strongly Disagree 72 7.9% 80.8
2 Neutral 260 26.4% 269.5
3 Agree or Strongly Disagree 688 65.7% 669.7
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. UNC-Chapel Hill should do more to equip its graduates with the civic skills necessary for productive citizenship.

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 UNC-Chapel Hill should do more to equitp its graduates with the civic skills necessary for productive citizenship 1.0 3.0 2.6 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Disagree or Strongly Disagree 59 6.1% 61.9
2 Neutral 225 25.4% 259.1
3 Agree or Strongly Disagree 706 68.5% 699.0
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. I support the decision of the UNC-Chapel Hill trustees to create a new school at UNC to teach skills of civil discourse and respectful debate.

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 I Support the decision of the UNC-Chapel Hill trustees to create a new school at UNC to teach skills of civil discourse and respectful debate 1.0 3.0 2.6 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Disagree or Strongly Disagree 72 8.2% 83.9
2 Neutral 248 25.1% 255.6
3 Agree or Strongly Disagree 700 66.7% 680.5
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. I support the UNC trustees’ plan to stop the university from asking their job applicants to state their political views.

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 I support the UNC trustees' plan to stop the university from asking their job applicants to state their political views 1.0 3.0 2.6 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Disagree or Strongly Disagree 76 8.1% 82.4
2 Neutral 256 26.9% 274.0
3 Agree or Strongly Disagree 688 65.1% 663.6
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. North Carolina’s public universities should be led by officials who are accountable to the taxpayers through their elected representatives.

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 North Carolina's public universities should be led by officals who are accountable to the taxpayers through their elected representatives 1.0 3.0 2.5 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Disagree or Strongly Disagree 90 9.0% 91.6
2 Neutral 296 30.5% 311.4
3 Agree or Strongly Disagree 634 60.5% 616.9
Total 1020 100% 1020


  1. At taxpayer-funded universities, students deserve to hear both sides of important political questions.

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 At taxpayer-funded universities, students deserve to hear both sides of important political questions 1.0 3.0 2.7 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Disagree or Strongly Disagree 49 5.1% 52.5
2 Neutral 195 20.2% 206.0
3 Agree or Strongly Disagree 775 74.7% 761.5
Total 1020 100 1020.0


  1. What is your political affiliation?

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 What is your political affiliation? 1.0 4.0 2.0 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighed Count
1 Democratic 341 34.0% 346.5
2 Independent 236 33.6% 342.6
3 Republican 333 30.2% 308.4
4 Other 20 2.2% 22.5
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. Please select your gender:

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 Please select your gender: 1.0 2.0 1.5 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Male 411 48.8% 497.8
2 Female 609 51.2% 522.2
Total 1020 100 1020.0


  1. What is your age?

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 What is your age? 1.0 4.0 2.6 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 18-24 115 12.2% 124.4
2 25-44 350 33.0% 336.6
3 45-64 357 33.0% 336.6
4 65 or older 198 21.8% 222.4
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. Do you identify as Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin?

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 Do you identify as Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish origin? 1.0 2.0 1.9 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Yes 62 10.7% 109.1
2 No 958 89.3% 910.9
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. Which of the following best describes your Race/Ethnicity?

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 Which of the following best describes your Race/Ethnicity? 1.0 5.0 1.7 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 White 759 67.7% 690.7
2 Other/Mixed/Prefer Not to Say 13 4.9% 49.6
3 Black/African American 215 22.6% 230.6
4 Asian, Indian, or Pacific Islander 29 3.7% 38.0
5 native American 4 1.1% 11.0
Total 1020 100% 1020.0


  1. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

# Field Minimum Maximum Mean Count
1 What is the highest level of education you have completed? 1.0 6.0 3.6 1020

# Answer Count Weighted % Weighted Count
1 Some high school or less, Other post high school vocational training 64 10.3% 105.1
2 Neutral 177 24.9% 254.0
3 Agree or Strongly Disagree 155 10.1% 103.0
4 Completed some college, but no degree 233 19.8% 202.0
5 Bachelor's degree 275 21.7% 221.3
6 Graduate or professional degree 116 13.2% 134.6
Total 1020 100% 1020.0

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Photo by Gene Gallin on Unsplash

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