
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

January 28, 2019

Some Thoughts on the A.P.A. Guidelines for Psychological Practice With Boys and Men

Dave Peterson

A response to the American Psychological Association's recent guidance for men and boys. 

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January 25, 2019

Academy for Retribution

National Association of Scholars

Peter W. Wood writes a letter to the President of Portland State University urging the institution to end its use of academic disciplinary procedures to harass Professor Boghossian. 

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January 22, 2019

What Groucho Marx Can Teach Us About Liberal Education

Jon D. Schaff

The world wearies of defenses of liberal education and the humanities. 

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January 22, 2019

Silencing via Sexual Accusation

Keith Whitaker

A brief history and critique of the Department of Education's proposed Title IX regulations. 

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