
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

April 17, 2018

NAS Launches New Report: "The Irreproducibility Crisis of Modern Science"

National Association of Scholars

This study examines the different aspects of the reproducibility crisis of modern science, and includes a series of policy recommendations.

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April 10, 2018

CCSU Affirmative Action Plan Discriminates

Jay Bergman

One professor calls out Central Connecticut State University's practice of discriminating on the basis of race, ethnicity and gender.

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April 9, 2018

Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places

Howard S. Schwartz

Howard Schwartz explores the psychological roots of accusations of racism.

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April 4, 2018

Teaching History for Liberty

David Randall

The text of a recent speech given at Case Western Reserve University by NAS's Director of Research.

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