
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

February 1, 2011

Letter from Connecticut Association of Scholars to Wesleyan University President

NAS's Connecticut affiliate wrote to Wesleyan's president to support the students who conducted an "affirmative action bake sale" on campus last fall.

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January 31, 2011

Another Dissent from the "Higher Education for Everyone!" Line

George Leef

By and large, until say, 1945, the expansion [of education] was fairly harmless. Unfortunately, however, there came to be established the misconception that being in school was the only appropriate......

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January 31, 2011

"Interdisciplinary Studies" -- It Shouldn't Be a Joke, But Is

George Leef

In today’s Pope Center piece, Troy Camplin discusses that strange campus phenomenon known as “Interdisciplinary Studies.” He argues that this could and indeed should be a serious f......

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January 31, 2011

Suicide Bombers and Academic Freedom

Ashley Thorne

Brooklyn College appointed an adjunct professor to teach "Politics of the Middle East," then fired him because of his politics.

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January 28, 2011

Lumina's Degree Profile - Do We Need It?

Ashley Thorne

The Lumina Foundation's new "Degree Qualifications Profile" is supposed to help colleges have a shared framework to describe what students should be able to do when they graduate. Peter Wood say......

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