
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 8, 2010

Sustainability News: December 2010

Ashley Thorne

“If the early 21st century could be said to have a secular religion, it would be the mantra of sustainability,” writes Warren Meyer on In this religion, American colleges and u......

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December 7, 2010

Campus Discontinues Helen Thomas Award; Thomas 'Anti-Semitic'

Candace de Russy

Wayne State University recently junked its Helen Thomas Spirit of Diversity in Media award after the former White House correspondent, in a workshop on anti-Arab bias, said that the U......

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December 6, 2010

Anthropology Association Rejecting Science?

Peter Wood

A look at the implications of the American Anthropological Association's proposal to define "science" out of anthropology.

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December 6, 2010

Ask a Scholar: Interest Rates on Government Debt

King Banaian

Why the low interest rates on government debt?

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December 3, 2010

A Victim of the Education Bubble

George Leef

Listen to this illuminating interview Peter Schiff did with a student who is $200,000 in debt for a sociology degree from Northeastern University. Schiff gets right at the root of the problem: gover......

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