
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

November 23, 2010

Another Dissent on the Idea that Economic Growth Depends on Having More College Grads

George Leef

In this LA Times op-ed, economics professor Shirley Svorny (Cal State Northridge) argues against the idea that if a state puts more kids through college, that will provide it with an economic boost.......

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November 23, 2010

Collegiate Press Roundup 11-23-10

Glenn Ricketts

Student journalists take the measure of campus anti-smoking policies, graduation rates for football players and due process rights for accused terrorists.

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November 23, 2010

The Other Danger...Scholasticism in Academic Research

Lawrence M. Mead

Researchers have narrowed their focus to the point of irrelevance in the real world, writes Prof. Lawrence Mead. In this article, which appeared in the winter issue of Academic Questions (vol. 23, no.......

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November 22, 2010

Are Universities Our "Engines of Innovation"?

George Leef

UNC Chancellor Holden Thorp recently published a book in which he maintains that universities are the country's "engines of innovation." In today's Pope Center article, however, Jay Schalin ru......

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November 22, 2010

UCSD Prof Gains Tenure Aiding Illegal Aliens

Mitchell Langbert

This video (h/t The Blaze) excerpts interviews of two UCSD professors, Micha Cardenas and Ricardo Dominguez, who advocate the dissolution of the United States. Professor Dominguez states that he won......

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