
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 18, 2010

O'Malley v. Karkhanis Settles

Mitchell Langbert

Sharad Karkhanis writes a satirical newsletter, Patriot Returns, that he e-mails to 13,000 faculty and staff of the City University of New York.  His sarcasm can be biting. Susan O'Malley,......

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March 18, 2010

Higher Ed Transparency: Through a Glass Darkly?

Candace de Russy

Are colleges and universities providing misleading information to the public? Are the two public online databases (U-CAN and VSA) to which they voluntarily submit their performance da......

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March 18, 2010

Duncan Donuts

Ashley Thorne

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan insists that “a college degree is still absolutely worth it.” Is he right?

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March 18, 2010

Newsletter from BAMN...No Comment

Ashley Thorne

The thuggish group calling itself the Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN) is trying to take down Propositio......

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March 17, 2010

Reminiscences of Columbia, 1968

Glenn Ricketts

Recently, we took note of a story in the Chronicle of Higher Education which offered a retrospective from a professor whose office had been sacked and his research papers burned by student radicals......

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