
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

March 16, 2010

Virtus from the Ancient Republics to the Postmodern, Part III

George Seaver

America's animating principle at its founding was virtue; its inhabitants instinctively claim that virtue, appealing to "liberty and justice for all."

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March 16, 2010

Climategate Deniers

Peter Wood

Global warming evangelists use a peculiar form of apologetics to reassure the public that they're still right.

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March 16, 2010

College Boom...No Comment

National Association of Scholars

From 1973 to 2007, the percentage of students who enroll in college jumped 20%.

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March 15, 2010

Doth the Students Protest Too Much? Or Too Mistakenly?

Ashley Thorne

Earlier this month NAS covered the March 4 rallies in California and all over the country, where students protested exorbitant tuition prices due to state budget cuts to public higher education. Whi......

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March 15, 2010

Do We Need to Keep Affirmative Action Going?

George Leef

In today's Pope Center piece, Larry Purdy (one of the lawyers who worked on the Grutter case) reviews Affirmative Action for the Future by Notre Dame philosophy professor James Sterba. Purdy fin......

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