
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

February 17, 2010

Climate Change: Inquiring Skepticism at Stanford

Glenn Ricketts

It appears as if the deepening skepticism about the once-invincible global warming "consensus" has shaken loose from what was until very recently strictly taboo. This piece by an undergraduate write......

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February 17, 2010

Global Warming Skepticism Labeled "Scare Tactics" and "Propaganda"

Ashley Thorne

Cross-posted from I just read an article in the Huffington Post, “Educating the Next Generation of Sustainability Professionals,” by Steven Cohen. Cohen tells how the dema......

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February 17, 2010

Intellectual and Moral Virtue and the Huntsville Homicides

Ashley Thorne

Yesterday NAS president Peter Wood wrote "Character Lessons: What We Can Learn From the Huntsville Killings." In it he wrote: “Higher” education is not much of a barrier against jealou......

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February 17, 2010

Erskine Bowles to Depart UNC; Pope Center Comments

George Leef

In today's Clarion Call, my colleague Jay Schalin writes about Erskine Bowles, who has served as president of the UNC system for five years but is stepping down to work on a problem far more dau......

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February 17, 2010

An Elbow in the Ribs: Prof-Prodding Toward Sustainability

Ashley Thorne

Campus administrators and leaders of sustainability organizations come together to think of ways to get "reluctant professors" to teach sustainability. Their answer: "Change how they think."

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