
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 20, 2021

How Can State Legislatures Counter Chinese Influence in American Higher Education?

Rachelle Peterson

This written testimony by NAS Senior Research Fellow Rachelle Peterson focuses on the CCP's continual influence on American higher ed, as well as what state legislatures can do about it.

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October 20, 2021

Alumni Organize in Defense of College Free Speech

Stuart Taylor, Jr. and Edward Yingling

A press release announcing the launch of the Alumni Free Speech Alliance, a new organization dedicated to mobilizing college and university alumni in defense of free speech on campus.

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October 19, 2021

Inside the Magical World of PSLF

David Acevedo

The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program: Where $0 payments make your student debt dreams come true!

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October 18, 2021

Letter: Reforming Louisiana Social Studies Standards

Peter Wood and David Randall

NAS concludes that the Louisiana Standards: Social Studies draft, unfortunately, uses misguided pedagogical principles and has been politicized to forward a radical curriculum aligned with C......

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October 14, 2021

Feds Panic, Wisconsin Weighs In, and Cal. Ethnic Studies Mandate Goes Live

David Randall

Once more, in the battle over ideology in schools, both sides make significant gains. Click to read the latest issue of Resolute, the Civics Alliance newsletter.

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