
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

July 27, 2008

Out of the Valley of the Shadow: The AALE Reprieved

Steve Balch

Liberal arts accreditor AALE recently survived a narrow scrape with organizational demise. NAS president Steve Balch draws some conclusions from AALE's trip to the brink and back.

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July 26, 2008

National Association of Scowlers

Peter Wood

Introducing the other NAS: a disgruntled membership association of fist-shakers working to thwart new ideas and to sustain the tradition of grim solemnity and cranky curmudgeonhood in America

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July 25, 2008

Hand It Over III

Dean Chin

Stop the spin: inside the financial aid numbers at Stanford

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July 18, 2008

The Communitarian ResLife Movement

Tom Wood

What exactly is the ideology underlying res life programs today? Sustainability? Communitariansim? Social Justice? Oh my.

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July 17, 2008

Gone, Daddy, Gone

Adrianna Groth

College Students get little encouragement to esteem the traditional family from the redefined-family curriculum and "hooking-up" dorm culture.

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