
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

December 30, 2008

A Prodigal Field

December 24, 2008

Rescue: The New Captivity of Hans Staden

Peter Wood

A centuries-old tale of life among native cannibals can't be allowed to stand as a captivating narrative. It must be sanitized in one way or another by PC revisionists.

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December 23, 2008

The Battle of Bunker Hill, Round II: Why Doubling the Size of American Higher Education is a Bad Idea

Peter Wood

There is a move afoot to use economic bailout money to enroll ill-prepared students in numbers that would overwhelm our system. It rightly deserves the criticism we give it.

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December 22, 2008

Asking a Lot

Peter Wood

A broadly advertised appeal for higher education's share of the bailout falls apart upon close examination.

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December 22, 2008

Letter from Jakarta

Saera Fernandez

The observations of a young anthropology student in Indonesia are relevent for several reasons to the contemporary American experience.

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