
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

August 11, 2008

A Degree in Agitprop

Peter Wood

Prompted by one of our Argus volunteers, NAS looks into a degree program in social justice education at U Mass Amherst. There we find one of those fantasy studies we thought existed only in such realm......

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August 7, 2008

Dizzy Diversity

Ashley Thorne

Today NAS completes its serializing of Getting Under the Skin of "Diversity" by Larry Purdy. Purdy, one of the lawyers who represented Jennifer Gratz and Barbara Grutter in the U.S. Supreme Court ca......

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August 5, 2008

If I Ran the Zoo XIV

Erin O'Connor

Erin O'Connor and Maurice Black point us to Dr. Seuss's commencement address that urged, "swallow what's solid," but "spit out the air!"

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August 4, 2008

A Bill Becomes a Law

Peter Wood

NAS president Steve Balch and executive director Peter Wood tell about the American History for Freedom Program, a tiny gem in the massive newly-passed Higher Education Act.

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July 31, 2008

"Big Argus" Meets the Playground Bullies

Peter Wood

Yesterday's IHE article, which framed the Argus project as a Big Brother operation, set the dervishes of the Left in motion. NAS executive director Peter Wood takes time to separate spin from fact......

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