
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

April 18, 2024

Press Release: Constitution Week Lesson Plans

National Association of Scholars

To make the informed decisions the ballot requires, it is imperative that our high schools graduate students with a strong understanding of their Constitution. These Constitution Week lesson plans see......

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April 16, 2024

Bravo to George Mason University’s Board of Visitors

Teresa R. Manning

Most American colleges and universities need more of this kind of accountability and oversight, not less. And it looks like George Mason University’s Board is showing the way.

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April 9, 2024

Event: Constitution Week Lesson Plans

National Association of Scholars

Join us for the launch of the Civics Alliance's newest high school initiative to further the preservation of liberty.

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April 9, 2024

Florida Restricts Foreign Researchers

Ian Oxnevad

Florida’s new law on researchers from hostile countries is unfortunately needed for national security.

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April 6, 2024

Doktorväter: A Memoir

Stefania R. Jha

It would be difficult to decide which of the five Doktorväter were most influential in my development as a scholar—they all contributed in various ways by their example of humanity, exactin......

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