
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

July 6, 2010

The Disempowerment of Ethnic Studies?

Glenn Ricketts

Anyone who's followed Ashley Thorne's posts describing the recently discontinued La Raza/Chicano "studies" program in the Tucson public school sytem may well have experienced a sense of the......

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July 6, 2010

The Dismal Prospects for Scientific Employment

Alex B. Berezow

One of the most depressing articles I’ve ever read in my entire life describes the problem American students face when pondering a career in science. For years, the conventional wisdom wa......

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July 6, 2010

Columbia's Surrender to the Left

Candace de Russy

University presidents Nicholas Butler and Dwight Eisenhower staunchly resisted it, but alas, as Mal Kline notes, to no avail.

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July 2, 2010

U.S. Founding Fathers on Education, in Their Own Words

Ashley Thorne

In honor of Independence Day, here are some words of wisdom on education from our founding fathers.

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July 1, 2010

Boys, Girls and Geniuses

Glenn Ricketts

Our friend Christina Sommers has frequently piqued the wrath of academic feminists by arguing that public education, far from favoring boys as legend has it, is loaded heavily against them and in fa......

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