
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

May 3, 2010

Bob Lerner, In Memoriam

Steve Balch

NAS remembers Bob Lerner, one of our first members and a brilliant statistician.

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April 30, 2010

My Thoughts on CLS v. Martinez

George Leef

Should campus groups be able to limit membership only to those who share a set of beliefs? Put it that way and the matter seems pretty innocuous. Ah, but if you state that in a pejorative way -- sho......

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April 30, 2010

Radio Segment on 'Indoctrinate Our Kids and Green My Parents'

Ashley Thorne

A discussion on the consequences of urging children to monitor their parents' energy and water use in the home.

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April 29, 2010

Ayers Has the Right to Speak

Ashley Thorne

NAS Chairman Steve Balch defends the right of Bill Ayers - former leader of the radical communist group the Weather Underground to speak at the University of Wyoming. "We need more debate rather tha......

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April 29, 2010

CAS Letter to California Assembly: Do Not Pass Racial Preferences Bill

John Ellis

The California Association of Scholars urges the State Assembly not to pass a bill that will overturn Proposition 209 and allow the use of racial preferences in university admissions.

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