
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

February 8, 2010

The Green Police, They Live Inside My Head

Ashley Thorne

A Super Bowl commercial prompts confusion as to whether the sustainabullies are good or bad.

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February 4, 2010

Are Diversity Discussions Useful?

Brian T. Johnson

Should diversity skeptics bother to participate in diversity discussions? Forums conducive to full and fair discussion would seem to be quite scarce. Is it better to contribute as possible or ignore......

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February 3, 2010

The Death of Manliness at the University of Wyoming

Ashley Thorne

There's bias against "Literature By and About Men" in the Equality State.

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February 2, 2010

Blacklisting a Christian University

Ashley Thorne

The AAUP's Canadian counterpart, the CAUT, has declared that Trinity Western University's statement of faith deprives faculty members of academic freedom. We disagree.

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February 1, 2010

Peter Wood on Anger Today

Ashley Thorne

NAS President Peter Wood speaks on anger and civility in the public square.

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