
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

November 9, 2009

A Call to Persevere

Don Racheter

As we face more and more threats to free speech and academic freedom from the emboldened left fringe, it is vital that we maintain organizations like the National Association of Scholars, our state......

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November 9, 2009

Manual Transmission

David Clemens

Last April I sat in Automatic Slim’s Restaurant and Tonga Club in Memphis reading Lord Jim on my iPhone. The text scrolled faster or slower depending on how far I tilted the screen. Last......

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November 9, 2009

Liberal Education vs. Liberal-Arts Education

Ken Daniszewski

Maurice O'Sullivan has an excellent article in the latest issue of Change magazine, (subscription required), on the shortfalls of the current liberal education movement.  He argues that the l......

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November 9, 2009

ALERT: Pelosi's Health Bill Would Mandate Race-Based Educational Preferences

Candace de Russy

The NAS has long and wisely opposed the use of racial, ethnic, or other criteria unrelated to merit in (among other aspects of campus life) student recruitment and admissions. Those who support ......

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November 9, 2009

Should Everyone Go?

Ashley Thorne

President Obama's goal - that by 2020 America would have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world - will require a huge expansion of higher education. But is that wise?

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