
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

November 3, 2009

Fight Over Racial Preferences at IHE

George Leef

Today's Inside Higher Ed has a piece on a new book lauding "affirmative action" (that is to say, selective racial preferences). My good friend Roger Clegg of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a......

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November 3, 2009

LEAPs and Bounds

Ashley Thorne

An initiative spawned of the outcomes assessment movement, Liberal Education & America's Promise (LEAP), sounds boring enough. But what is really going on when the lords of of education go a-L......

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November 2, 2009

Wood Builds Up The American Beaver

Peter Wood

NAS president Peter Wood has a bit in The American Conservative's special books issue (subscription required), under The Best Books You Haven't Read. There he extols the "small, ea......

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November 2, 2009

Berkeley and Barriers

Ashley Thorne

A reader commenting on my post "Teaching Can Be Dangerous" wrote: Speaking of politicization, I have a friend who is applying to a PhD program at Berkeley. He sent me the “personal hist......

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November 2, 2009

Boutique Colleges Can Thrive

George Leef

My Pope Center colleague Jay Schalin writes here about the difficulties that very small colleges face, but also their prospects for success at filling a niche in the vast educational marketplace.

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