
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

October 9, 2009

Discriminate? Us? How Quickly Duke Forgets

Ashley Thorne

Mark Bauerlein has an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education today in which he shows how illegitimate the academic left's denials  of "liberal-bias-in-higher-education" can......

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October 9, 2009

Brown Hires Radical Professor


Brown University this fall added Chinua Achebe to the faculty of its Africana Studies Department. Achebe is a prominent postcolonial writer from Nigeria who has called Joseph Conrad a "bloody racist......

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October 9, 2009

Not New, Just Sad

King Banaian

Ron Lipsman writes at The American Thinker on the life of a conservative faculty member. Unlike some, he came to the university (he does not identify his institution) as a liberal but became conserv......

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October 8, 2009

The Academic Left Has Its Own "The Other"

Peter Wood

Peter Wood's piece on the speech by Macalester College president Brian Rosenberg elucidates an interesting point. The academic left loves to talk about how most of America has a backward, irrati......

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October 8, 2009

Deacon Garb at UNC

Ashley Thorne

Wild West killer-for-hire "Deacon" Jim Miller dressed the part of a church-going citizen.  Why does UNC Chapel Hill lecture series  on "Renewing the Western Tradition" come to mind? Peter......

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