American U of Iraq Becomes the Nation's First Accredited University

Jeff Martineau

NAS warmly congratulates the American University of Iraq - Sulaimani (AUI-S) on its recent accreditation and recognition of its "dedication to forming students in liberal education."

Below is a letter from the American Academy for Liberal Education (AALE), an accreditor of liberal arts colleges and universities which NAS helped establish. The letter announces that AALE has granted the university International Program Accreditation. This makes the American University of Iraq - Sulaimani the only accredited higher education body in Iraq.

According to AALE's website, "Accreditation by AALE signifies institutional integrity and a strong commitment to liberal education." 

The mission of the American University of Iraq - Sulaimani is "to promote the development and prosperity of Iraq through the careful study of modern commerce, economics, business and public administration, and to lead the transformation of Iraq into a free and democratic society, through an understanding of the ideals of liberty and democracy."

To read the letter, click on the image below.

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