Video: Outsourced to China DC Launch

National Association of Scholars

A recording of the Outsourced to China DC report launch is now avaliable. Held in conjunction with the Alliance Defending Freedom, the event discussed China's reach into American campuses and hosted the US premiere of the documentary In the Name of Confucius.

NAS Director of Research Projects and Outsourced to China author Rachelle Peterson explains how Confucius Institutes are more than just cultural centers, noting, "Since 2004, the Chinese government has invested millions of dollars in teaching foreign students its preferred version of Chinese culture.... China isn't unique in sending teachers abroad but it is unique in planting its Confucius Institutes at colleges and universities.... having access to college and university classrooms, access to the reputation and prestige of colleges and universities, and the next generation of Americans who are interested about China."

Read the Report >

Read What Others Say about Outsourced to China >

Watch In the Name of Confucius >

The video of the report launch is below and also on NAS's Youtube Channel.


Video of Q & A with Doris Liu, director of In the Name of Confucius.


Image: A Cold, Gray Day on Capitol Hill by Tony Brooks // CC BY 2.0

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