Woke and Broke: Administrative Bloat and Student Debt
Thursday, March 4th
Doors Open at 2 pm ET, Event begins at 2:30 pm ET
Sheraton Suites Cyprus Creek
555 NW 62nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Also Available on Zoom
In the last 40 years, college costs have more than doubled. Students pay exorbitant amounts of money to attend college, even going into crushing debt. Meanwhile, universities increase their administrative overhead and other non-instructional costs.
Join the National Association of Scholars for the launch of our new report, Priced Out: What College Costs America, on March 4th at 2 pm ET. Neetu Arnold, the report's author, takes a detailed look into 50 universities and their spending habits and provides perspectives from students, parents, and college administrators. The report includes recommendations to cut costs, empower better choices, and increase information transparency. As universities are left at a crossroads following the coronavirus pandemic, they can no longer ignore their profligate spending habits nor the American people.
The event will be held both in-person and online via Zoom.
In-Person Attendance
Sheraton Suites Cypress Creek, 555 NW 62nd St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309
Lodging and parking are available onsite.
COVID Policy: Attendance is strictly limited on a first-come-first-serve basis. All attendees must have pre-registered on Eventbrite for admittance. All attendees must wear face masks while in the venue and practice physical distancing (stay 6 ft from other attendees when possible). This will be a near contactless event. There will be masks at the venue and hand sanitizer. We encourage you to only attend if you are comfortable complying with CDC guidelines.
Online Attendance
Please register for an Online ticket to receive the Zoom link to join. All online Q&A must be submitted via the Q&A form located at the bottom of your screen.
The live-stream will begin promptly at 2:30 pm ET.

Research Associate, National Association of Scholars;
Author, Priced Out: What College Costs America

Senior Fellow, Cardinal Institute for WV Policy;
Visiting Scholar, Texas Public Policy Foundation

Associate Dean, Grady Rosier Professor,
Troy University Sorrell College of Business

James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal

President, National Association of Scholars;
Author, 1620: A Critical Response to the 1619 Project