President Andrew Jackson's political ideology forms the underpinnings of what is now the Democratic Party. Jackson was instrumental in expanding political suffrage, limiting the monopoly power of federal banks, and advocating for a laissez-faire economic policy. The ideas he championed continue to resonate today and shape many contemporary political questions within America's political parties.
What role did Jackson play in shaping the future of party politics in America? Did Jacksonian democracy in favor of "the common man"? To what extent did it advocate for the expansion of federal authority?
This event features Daniel Feller, professor emeritus of history at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville; Jason Opal, associate professor of history at McGill University; and Harry L. Watson, the Atlanta Distinguished Professor of Southern Culture at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The discussion is moderated by Brad Birzer, professor of history at Hillsdale College.