
View media produced by the National Association of Scholars

July 21, 2023

Ian Oxnevad on China's "Transnational Repression"

National Association of Scholars

NAS Senior Fellow for Foreign Affairs and Security Studies Ian Oxnevad was recently featured in a discussion hosted by the Hudson Institute. Take a listen as he examines China’s t......

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July 18, 2023

VIDEO: Confounded Errors

National Association of Scholars

Listen in on this special webinar event as we launch the third installment of our Shifting Sands report series: Confounded Errors. 

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July 7, 2023

VIDEO: The Academy's Path to Illiberalism

National Association of Scholars

Listen in as we take a deep dive into the “deep state” of college accreditation, and discuss higher ed's long path to illiberalism.

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July 6, 2023

VIDEO: The Invention of the Telegraph

National Association of Scholars

This webinar discusses the story behind the invention of the telegraph and how it laid the groundwork for our modern system of hyper-connected communication.

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June 27, 2023

VIDEO: The '50s and the Green Revolution

National Association of Scholars

Listen in as we discuss how the Green Revolution laid the groundwork for our modern system of food production and consumption.

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