August 21, 2015

Remembering Amy Kass

National Association of Scholars

A memory of long-time NAS member Amy Kass, who lived fully as ‘human being and citizen.’

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August 20, 2015

Hillary’s Emails: The Silence of the Historians

John Rosenberg

John Rosenberg wonders why historians are silent while Hillary Clinton privatizes State Department historical materials.

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August 19, 2015

Patriotism Is Not Just for Conservatives

Ashley Thorne

Ashley Thorne responds to a New Yorker article on civics education. 

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August 18, 2015

Faculty Tenure: Improve It, Don't Remove It

W. Lee Hansen

W. Lee Hansen argues that revisions to faculty tenure must be objective and preserve academic freedom. 

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August 18, 2015

How Massachusetts Promoted Achievement Before Common Core & PARCC

Sandra Stotsky

Sandra Stotsky comments on Massachusetts K-12 standardized testing reports. 

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August 18, 2015

NAS Endorses Safe Campus Act

National Association of Scholars

NAS supports an amendment to the Higher Education Act of 1965. 

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August 17, 2015

APUSH Teachers Speak

Ashley Thorne

High school AP U.S. history teachers are coming forward to share their dissatisfaction with the current version of the College Board’s APUSH framework.

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August 14, 2015

Watch for NAS Articles in Claremont Review of Books

National Association of Scholars

NAS president Peter Wood and board member Thomas D. Klingenstein are published in the forthcoming summer issue of the Claremont Review of Books.

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August 13, 2015

Peter Wood's Book on Anger Cited in NRO

National Association of Scholars

The National Review's Jim Geraghty references NAS president Peter Wood's book in an article about the presidential campaign. 

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August 11, 2015

Room for Debate: NAS and

Peter Wood

Peter Wood comments on's response to Rachelle Peterson's recent piece about the college divestment movement.

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