June 19, 2015

Sustainability’s War on Doubt

Peter Wood

Sustainability encompasses not only a particularly aggressive form of environmentalism, but also a strong attack on market capitalism and a progressive vision of social justice.

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June 17, 2015

A Call for Volunteers to Review Common-Core-Aligned Tests

National Association of Scholars

Sandra Stotsky, NAS board member and leading critic of the Common Core State Standards, is asking members of the NAS to review a standardized test aligned with the Common Core.

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June 17, 2015

Summer 2015 Academic Questions: "Common Readings, Uncommon Conversations"

National Association of Scholars

The new issue of Academic Questions takes on questions about common readings, "translingualism," and more. 

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June 17, 2015

Two Controversial Professors

Peter Wood

Peter Wood reflects on the contrasting perspectives at the AAUP and Heartland Institute conferences in Washington, DC last week.

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June 16, 2015

Will Pope Francis Privilege the Privileged?

Peter Wood

Peter Wood warns that the Pope's expected encyclical could perpetuate climate conformity that would hurt the poorest nations.

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June 15, 2015

NAS Members Honored for Contributions to Science

National Association of Scholars

David Legates and Will Happer, two lifetime NAS members, were honored at the Heartland Institute's international conference on climate change. 

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June 11, 2015

Bye, Bye, American History

Glenn Ricketts

Wall Street Journal columnist Daniel Henninger weighs in on the new APUSH course.

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June 9, 2015

A Pause for Thought

Rachelle Peterson

A new study disputes the "pause" in global warming. 

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June 8, 2015

APUSH: The New, New, New History

Peter Wood

The new APUSH reforms has its roots in a longstanding attempt to claim American history for leftist political purposes.

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June 4, 2015

Fisher v. Texas: Just Say No to Racial Preferences

George Leef

The upcoming Supreme Court decision could end racial discrimination on College admissions.

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Creating Students, Not Activists

The mobs desecrating the American flag, smashing windows, chanting genocidal slogans—this always was the end game of the advocates of the right to protest, action civics, student activ......

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