October 26, 2011

Ask a Scholar: Low Interest Rates and the Liquidity Trap

John Mathys

Is our economy vulnerable to the Keynesian phenomenon known as the "liquidity trap"?

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October 26, 2011

Did College Create Occupy Wall Street?

Jason Fertig

The actions of the Occupy Wall Street protesters do not help refute the notion that Millennials are the Peter Pan Generation.

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October 26, 2011

Default Education

Peter Wood

College grads protesting their student-loan burden would do better to protest the quality of their college programs, writes Peter Wood.

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October 25, 2011

Women are Victims, Men are Bad

Glenn Ricketts

That's the message that incoming male freshmen frequently get when they arrive on campus these days, which Warren Farrell elaborates over at Minding the Campus. Despite steadily declining enroll......

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October 25, 2011

Prof. Art Carden on the OWS Protesters

George Leef

Writing on this Christian Science Monitor blog, Rhodes College economics professor Art Carden argues that while the protesters made some valid points (unwittingly, I'd say), they are on very thi......

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October 24, 2011

Political Science Needs Diversity

Glenn Ricketts

Like many other academic disciplines, Political Science is ideologically lopsided, and you find the same left-oriented political homogeniety that dominates the academy in general: a very high concen......

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October 24, 2011

Supreme Court May Revisit Racial Preferences

Ashley Thorne

NAS is a "friend of the court" in what could be a landmark case on the diversity rationale for racial preferences in college admissions. 

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October 24, 2011

An Eyewitness Recalls the UW Madison 'Mob' Incident

Ashley Thorne

What really happened during the student protest against the findings of the Center for Equal Opportunity? W. Lee Hansen, professor emeritus of economics at UW-Madison, documents what he observe......

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October 24, 2011

NYT Writer Observes That College Costs a Lot, But Students Learn Little

George Leef

While higher ed expenses and concomitant student debt loads have risen greatly, many students put in little effort to get B or better averages. 

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October 24, 2011

NAS Board Member Sandra Stotsky Testifies at TUSD Hearings

Ashley Thorne

Sandra Stotsky, author of Losing Our Language: How Multicultural Classroom Instruction Is Undermining Our Children

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