October 19, 2011

Why Not Combine Apprenticeship With a College Degree?

George Leef

Jay Schalin advances an alternative to the standard college experience, an experience that all too often leaves students with no more skill and knowledge than when they left high school.

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October 19, 2011

A Veto for Racial Preferences

Peter Wood

Peter Wood praises California Governor Jerry Brown

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October 19, 2011

Peter Wood on Southern California Public Radio: "Is Our Quest for Diversity Racist?"

Peter Wood

NAS president Peter Wood appeared on a local California radio program to discuss racial preferences.

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October 18, 2011

Evidence of Racial Preferences at UW-Madison?

Kate Hamilton

W. Lee Hansen, a member of NAS and Professor Emeritus of Economics at UW-Madison, provides evidence that the preferential admissions process at UW discriminates based on race and ethnicity.&nbs......

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October 18, 2011

No Really, Some Good News on Sexual Harassment

Glenn Ricketts

New mandatory regulations for college sexual harassment case procedures from the US Education Department's Office for Civil Rights (OCR) have made it much easier to return a guilty verdict but t......

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October 18, 2011

Single-Sex School Can Help Students Be More Well-Rounded

Ashley Thorne

NAS Board of Advisors member Christina Hoff Sommers weighs in on the question, "Is single-sex education helpful or harmful?" 

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October 18, 2011

Introducing NAS Fall Intern Kate Hamilton

Ashley Thorne

A current intern describes how a liberal arts education led her to support the mission of NAS.

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October 17, 2011

"Diversity:" How it Might Work Differently

Glenn Ricketts

Ethnic and racial diversity among students needn't be a problem on college campuses, argues long-time NAS member Russell Nieli. 

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October 17, 2011

Is Tenure the Root of All Evil?

George Leef

No, but it's responsible for much that is wrong in higher education, argues Naomi Schaefer Riley in her recent book The Faculty Lounges.

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October 17, 2011

Peter Wood Quoted in New York Times on Fisher Case

Peter Wood

A case headed to the Supreme Court may change the way U.S. colleges consider diversity as a rationale for racial preferences in admissions. What really matters, says NAS president Peter Wood, is int......

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