October 4, 2011

What We Pay Academics to Do

George Leef

View the announcement distributed for a call for papers for "THE ART OF GENDER IN EVERYDAY LIFE IX" conference.

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October 4, 2011

Professor Cronon Email Investigation Seems to Turn Up Empty

Ashley Thorne

In March the deputy executive director of the Wisconsin Republican Party filed an Open Records Law request to see emails from University of Wisconsin history professor William Cronon's universit......

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October 4, 2011

Berkeley Students' Bake Sale No Piece of Cake

Glenn Ricketts

Judging by the UCal Berkeley administration's nuke 'em reaction, you might have thought that the Ku Klux Klan had staged a rally on campus, rather than a symbolic bake sale by college Republ......

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October 4, 2011

Sustainability News

Ashley Thorne

A university grades students on their energy use; a president announces that “sustainability defines” her institution.

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October 3, 2011

More on the Mind of a Diversity Officer

Glenn Ricketts

Last week, we posted John Rosenberg's piece commenting on the first full-time "diversity officer," one William B. Harvey, who was interviewed in CHE, and who is now dean of the education school......

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October 3, 2011

Evan Maloney: How Colleges Try to Indoctrinate U

Andy Nash

The maker of the documentary Indoctrinate U offers a window into the double standards of the politically correct campus.

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September 30, 2011

The First Amendment and UW/Stout

Glenn Ricketts

First Amendment guarantees of freedom of speech are really not the thing these days at UW/Stout.

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September 30, 2011

The Mind of a Pioneering Diversity Officer

John Rosenberg

One diversity guru illustrates the semantic leaps necessary for creating campus diversity bureaucracy.

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September 30, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Student journalists take on the big issues, including the Israeli-Palestinian standoff, campus diversity, religion and politics and what awaits graduating seniors out there in the real world.

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September 30, 2011

What Does Bowdoin Teach?

Peter Wood

The National Association of Scholars announces the beginning of a new project examining the curriculum, student activities, and campus values of Bowdoin College as a case study to learn what a contemp......

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