September 29, 2011

Reciprocity and Western Civilization

William H. Young

William Young continues his series with this dicussion of reciprocity in the Western social tradition.

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September 29, 2011

Mobbing For Preferences

September 28, 2011

A New Analogy for Ending Racial Preferences

Ashley Thorne

Roger Clegg suggests the analogy we should use in talking about the end of racial preferences is not a football game with blacks vs. whites, but a marathon with individual runners.

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September 28, 2011

Western Governors University Moves Online Education Forward

George Leef

Duke Cheston writes that Western Governors University has found solutions to some of the problems that have plagued online higher ed. 

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September 28, 2011

Improving a Bad Analogy

Roger Clegg

CEO president Roger Clegg explains why a familiar football analogy doesn't work as a justification for race preferences.

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September 28, 2011

OCR's New Sexual Harassment Guidelines Threaten Academic Freedom, Due Process

Glenn Ricketts

The U.S. Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights has mandated new guidelines for processing sexual harassment cases on college campuses. Watch out: it's going to be much easier to fin......

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September 27, 2011

Video: Is Higher Education Worth the Money?

Andy Nash

CollegeNET president Jim Wolfston discusses the question with Andy Nash.

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September 27, 2011

Missed Opportunities in College Common Reading: A Response to Brendan Boyle

Ashley Thorne

Ashley Thorne replies to a professor of classics at UNC-Chapel Hill who wishes for more fiction in college summer reading assignments.

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September 26, 2011

Socially Constructed Mathematics -- That Will Make All the Difference!

George Leef

The University of North Carolina is hosting a professor from the University of Illinois who maintains that what “minority” students need if they’re going to understand math is for......

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September 26, 2011

Citizens of the World

Peter Wood

Global citizenship isn’t burdened with taxes, military service, jury duty, and the like. And it sounds so cosmopolitan. But what, asks Peter Wood, does it really entail?

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