July 28, 2011

Cool Heads, Warm Hearts: Religious Media Leaders Discuss Environmental Economics

Ashley Thorne

A recent conference in Bozeman, Montana considered how to "protect both individual free will and good stewardship of Creation."

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July 27, 2011

Mission Creep -- Does the UNC System Need to Own Hospitals?

George Leef

Duke Cheston writes about a controversy in North Carolina — should the UNC system keep expanding into the field of health care? It has become common for higher ed leaders here (and elsewhere)......

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July 27, 2011

Favorite Books: Mark Bauerlein

Emory University's Mark Bauerlein offers his favorite titles for summer reading enthusiasts.

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July 27, 2011

Video: J. Budziszewski on a Primer on Natural Law

Professor J. Budziszewski discusses classical Natural Law with Inside Academia's Andy Nash.

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July 26, 2011

Online Education and Student Attrition

Glenn Ricketts

Our regular contributor Jason Fertig offers some thoughts about online courses at NRO, and links to a CHE story about a recent study concluding that such courses have significantly higher at......

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July 26, 2011

Favorite Books: Erin O'Connor

We continue our survey of summer readng recommendations, as education blogger Erin O'Connor lists some of her own favorites.

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July 25, 2011

Reasons for College Inefficiency: Misallocation and Underutilization

George Leef

The U.S. devotes a lot of resources to higher education but gets a pretty low return, argues Richard Vedder. 

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July 25, 2011

Many Americans are Undereducated, But College Credentials Won't Fix That

George Leef

In last week's Pope Center Clarion Call, I analyze the recent paper published by the Georgetown Center for Education and the Workforce, "The Undereducated American." It is an attempt to regain m......

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July 25, 2011

NYT's Room for Debate Considers Law School

George Leef

The latest Room for Debate feature in the Times is about law school, a topic that paper has taken a surprisingly strong interest in this year. I’m among the contributors; my argument is that t......

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July 25, 2011

UNC System Continues Building Spree

George Leef

Will Jakes writes about the continuing building spree in the UNC system. Is this a good use of resources? It's very questionable.

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