July 25, 2011

The Killing (and Queering) of History

Jonathan Bean

Over at The Beacon, I have a post on the latest requirement that Something Else must be taught in K-12 history textbooks. This time it is gay history but the real problem is the politicization of te......

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July 25, 2011

Favorite Books: David Clemens

David Clemens, English professor at Monterey Peninsula College, shares his top works of fiction and non-fiction.

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July 25, 2011

Ask a Scholar: Why Are College Textbooks So Expensive?

Gilbert T. Sewall

What's driving up the cost of textbooks, and what are the cheaper alternatives?

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July 21, 2011

Widener Law Professor Exonerated

John Irving

A Widener University faculty and administrative commmittee unanimously cleared law professor Lawrence Connell of racism, sexism, and charges that he was a danger to students.

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July 15, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Student summer reporters analyze global citizenship, complain about censorship of prayers, suggest the wisdom of a carbon tax and marvel at the appeal of Harry Potter.

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July 15, 2011

NAS Delaware Head Jan Blits Keynotes Tomorrow at FIRE Conference

Professor Blits, who helped end the University of Delaware's ideological residence life program, will speak to students and others at the conference of the Campus Freedom Network.

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July 15, 2011

Treasure Abandoned: College Common Reading Programs Continue to Miss the Best Books

Ashley Thorne

An English professor's sense of the inadequacy of This I Believe as the choice for freshman summer reading echoes NAS's calls for more rigor in common book programs.

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July 14, 2011

Professor Decries Administrative Bloat

George Leef

The latest "Irascible Professor" piece is a guest column by Ralph Westfall, who teaches at Cal Poly Pomona. He decries the increasingly bloated administrative apparatus -- more and more admini......

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July 13, 2011

The Persistence of Plagiarism

George Leef

In this week's Pope Center Clarion Call, Professor Thomas Bertonneau writes about plagiarism. In particular, why do students engage in it and why do they think they can get away with it?

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Creating Students, Not Activists

The mobs desecrating the American flag, smashing windows, chanting genocidal slogans—this always was the end game of the advocates of the right to protest, action civics, student activ......

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A Portrait of Claireve Grandjouan

Claireve Grandjouan, when I knew her, was Head of the Classics Department at Hunter College, and that year gave a three-hour Friday evening class in Egyptian archaeology....

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By all means, pursue your noble dream of improving the condition of humanity through your research and teaching. Could I do it all again, I would, but I would do things very differently....

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