July 11, 2011

Academic Fraud and Plagiarism Scandal at UNC

George Leef

A UNC football star is embroiled in a case involving fraud and plagiarism. My former Pope Center colleague Jon Sanders has the details here. The most disturbing part of this is the "Aw, let's ju......

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July 11, 2011

The Grad School Decision

George Leef

In today’s Pope Center piece, Jenna Ashley Robinson considers that question. Years ago, most students considering grad school had clear academic interests and career goals, but today we find t......

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July 11, 2011

Video: R.V. Young on Sex and Freshman Composition (or: Why You Can't Think)

Andy Nash

A discussion of how English literature was taught in the past, with more effective results.

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July 11, 2011

NAS Board Member Weighs in on Michigan Civil Rights Case

Gail Heriot

NAS board member Gail Heriot tries to make sense out of the recent federal appeals court decision overturning Michigan's voter-approved ban on racial quotas, but finds the court's legal reas......

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July 8, 2011

Another Feeble Case in Favor of Racial Preferences

George Leef

About a month ago, Chronicle Review ran an article purporting to give a new and more powerful argument why top colleges and universities should have “affirmative action” policies. In tod......

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July 8, 2011

Higher Ed, or Building Clockwork Oranges?

David Clemens

For Father’s Day, my daughter Kate sent me a t-shirt featuring David Pelham’s dust jacket of Anthony Burgess’s novel A Clockwork Orange (Penguin, 1962).  Director Stanley Kubr......

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July 8, 2011

Collegiate Press Roundup

Glenn Ricketts

Student reporters weigh in on wimpy TV networks, the reasons for affirmative action's prolonged presence in college admissions, President Obama's unsatisfactory plans for Afghanistan and bei......

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July 7, 2011

Bottling Up Global Warming Skepticism

Peter Wood

Science Magazine reports that a computer scientist is going on the offensive against global warming skeptics.

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