The fossil fuel divestment movement, now on more than 1,000 American college campuses, aims at capturing a generation of college students as lifelong climate activists. This report is the first comprehensive account of how that is happening.
Appendix I: Timeline
Appendix II: Encyclopedia of Pro-Divestment Organizations
Appendix III: Who's Who in Fossil Fuel Divestment
Appendix IV: Index of Colleges and Universities That Divested Fossil Fuels
Appendix V: Index of Colleges and Universities That Rejected Fossil Fuel Divestment
Appendix VI: Sit-Ins for Fossil Fuel Divestment
Appendix VII: Endorsements of Fossil Fuel Divestment
Appendix VIII: Denunciations of Fossil Fuel Divestment
Appendix IX: Swarthmore Mountain Justice's Campaign Schedule, 2014-2015
Appendix X: Faculty Members for Divestment
November 17, 2020
Mike Siegel and Rachelle Peterson (The Mike Siegel Show)
March 24, 2020
Ginni Thomas (Leaders with Ginni Thomas)
May 09, 2018
Kenneth Artz (Heartland Institute)
June 26, 2017
Andrew Follett (The Daily Caller)
March 16, 2016
Listen >
March 11, 2016
Murdo Fraser (
March 03, 2016
Thomas Richard (
February 10, 2016
Chris White (Daily Caller)
January 20, 2016
Justin Reuters and Amir Samarghandi (The News Record)
January 18, 2016
Kenneth Artz (Heartlander)
December 10, 2015
Yimian Wu (U. S. News and World Report)
December 07, 2015
Stanley Kurtz (The National Review Online--The Corner)
December 03, 2015
Rick Knoble and Rachelle Peterson ("Viewpoint University" on KSOO)
December 01, 2015
Carole Haynes (National Center for Policy Analysis)
Stella Morabito (The Federalist)
November 24, 2015
November 23, 2015
H. Sterling Burnett and Rachelle Petersen (Heartland Daily Podcast)
November 21, 2015
Ginni Thomas (The Daily Caller)
November 19, 2015
Anthony Hennen (Red Alert Politics)
November 18, 2015
Joy Pullmann (The Federalist)
George Leef (The John William Pope Center)
Thomas Pyle (New York Post)
Bruce Edward Walker (Acton Institute Power Blog)
November 17, 2015
Stanley Fish (The Huffington Post)
Lisa M. Krieger (Contra Costa Times)
November 16, 2015
Lars Larson and Rachelle Peterson (The Lars Larson Show)
November 15, 2015
Rachelle Peterson and Gerges Scott (Energy New Mexico)
November 14, 2015
November 13, 2015
Alex Li (The Daily Free Press)
Rick Manning (American Clarion)
November 12, 2015
Jim Geraghty (National Review Online)
Joanne Nova (JoNova)
November 11, 2015
William M. Briggs (William M. Briggs)
William M. Briggs (The Stream)
Scott Walter (Philanthropy Daily)
Trevor McGuire (See Thru Edu)
Madison Iszler (The College Fix)
November 10, 2015
Hank Campbell (Science 2.0)
Casey Breznick (The Cornell Review)
Michael Qazvini (The Daily Wire News)
Steven J. Allen (Capital Research Center)
American Energy Alliance
Megan Toombs (Patriot Post)
Joanna Williams (Spiked)
Barbara Hollingsworth (
Peter Fricke (Campus Reform)
Paul Mirengoff (Power Line)
Steven Hayward (Power Line)
Anthony Watts (Watts Up With That?)
Mary Kissel, with Rachelle Peterson (WSJ Opinion Journal)
November 09, 2015
James H. Rust (Somewhat Reasonable)