March 26, 2011

Academic Questions: Islamic Schools and American Civic Culture

M. Zuhdi Jasser

This article on the growing influence of Islam on American charter schools appeared in the "Islam in Scholarship and Education" issue of Academic Questions (vol. 24, no. 1).

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February 28, 2011

Academic Questions: Islamo-Correctness at Hartford Seminary

Andrew Bieszad

Andrew Bieszad tells how Hartford Seminary's insistence on "tolerance" for Muslims led to threats and discrimination (intolerance) against him when he disagreed with Islamic teachings. Thi......

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October 12, 2010

Article: Academic Retrenchment and Political Strategies in New York


A call to readers to contact New York's gubernatorial candidates about the massive cuts to foreign language at SUNY Albany.

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April 22, 2010

MTC: A Fresh View of Cold-War America

Ron Radosh

Teaching in the universities about the so-called McCarthy era has become an area most susceptible to politically correct and one-sided views of what the period was all about. One historian who strenuo......

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April 8, 2010

MTC: On Pigeons, Pells and Student Incentives

Jackson Toby

Jackson Toby, professor emeritus of sociology at Rutgers and author of the new book, The Lowering of Higher Education in America, delivered this speech yesterday (April 7) at a luncheon in New York C......

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January 28, 2010

MTC: America the Awful---Howard Zinn's History

Ron Radosh

</> Howard Zinn's death yesterday affords us the opportunity to evaluate the remarkable influence he has had on the American public's understanding of our nation's past. His book A People's His......

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November 4, 2009

MTC: Dumbing Down Foreign Language Instruction

Charlotte Allen

A recent report from Britain concludes that U.K. universities are "dumbing down" their requirements for majoring in foreign language in order to attract more undergraduate students. "The most widely-r......

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October 13, 2009

Article: Academics are Influential

Jay Bergman

Those of us who have criticized the worst excrescences of political correctness in academia, such as the cult of cosmetic diversity that is oblivious to the benefits of intellectual diversity, have......

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October 13, 2009

MTC: The Problem With Student Engagement

Donald A. Downs

"Student engagement" is a movement and a cause that has made steady progress on our campuses. According to Inside Higher Education, it has reached a "critical mass" of participants, though many in the......

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