February 13, 2024

Article: The Great Academic Divorce with China

Ian Oxnevad

All signs show that American education is beginning a long and painful divorce with the People’s Republic of China. But will academia go through with it?

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February 28, 2024

Academic Questions: Excerpt from Outsourced to Qatar: A Case Study of Northwestern University-Qatar

Neetu Arnold

The small but wealthy Middle East “petrostate” of Qatar has emerged as the top foreign funder of American universities, donating at least $4.7 billion between 2001 and 2021. The 2022 NAS r......

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February 16, 2024

MTC: The New 2024 Law School Rankings: The Sociology of Law

Matthew G. Andersson

“Thinking is not a matter of making definitions in one place, classifying things in another, inferring in a third, and making practical judgments in some fourth place. How these activities are organic......

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January 16, 2024

Article: Georgia Tech Undermines National Security

Ian Oxnevad

Tianjin University is a threat to national security, yet Georgia Tech remains friendly.

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January 11, 2024

Media: VIDEO: China's Soft Power Strategy: Influence in American Education

National Association of Scholars

How has China's strategy of soft power in education shifted since the tarnishing of its brand in the form of Confucius Institutes, and since COVID-19 more broadly? Join us to learn more.

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December 5, 2023

Article: Follow the Money

Teresa R. Manning

Bravo to Congresswomen Steele and Foxx for championing this needed reform.

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December 12, 2023

Article: The Naughty List

Ian Oxnevad

Unfortunately for American higher education, Harvard, Yale, and other “elite institutions” sit uncomfortably on China’s Nice List. 

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December 21, 2023

Event: Event: China's Soft Power Strategy: Influence in American Education

National Association of Scholars

Updated Event Date: How has China's strategy of soft power in education shifted since the tarnishing of its brand in the form of Confucius Institutes, and since COVID-19 more broadly? 

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January 2, 2024

MTC: Has Anyone Noticed How Cheap it Was to Bribe the Biden Crime Family and Our Universities?

Kevin Jon Williams

They sold America, the greatest nation on Earth, for next to nothing because that’s what they believe it’s worth. The Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Mr. Hunter Biden up to a million dollars......

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November 17, 2023

Media: VIDEO: China’s Kindergarten to High School Influence Strategy

National Association of Scholars

In this webinar, we discuss how China is expanding its influence in American K-12 education through various avenues and what it means for the future of academic freedom in our school system.

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