June 21, 2022

Press Release: Press Release: Confucius Institutes Rebrand to Circumvent U.S. Policy, Report Finds

National Association of Scholars

A new report from the National Association of Scholars finds that colleges and universities continue to host Chinese-funded programs similar to Confucius Institutes under new names.

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June 17, 2022

MTC: Moving Forward: Is Legacy Higher Ed a Lost Cause?

David Acevedo

When a man contravenes his stated principles, through word or through deed, we ought to first give him the benefit of the doubt. But when he does it the tenth, or hundredth, or thousandth time, we mus......

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February 9, 2022

Statement: NAS Statement on the College Transparency Act

National Association of Scholars

Congress should write a law that empowers American citizens, not the federal government, and that serves America's interests, not those of foreign countries.

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February 25, 2022

MTC: Gang Chen, the China Initiative, and Open-Borders Academia

David Acevedo

Editor's Note: This article was originally published by The Spectator World on February 19, 2022 and is crossposted here with permission. In January, the Department of Justice dropped charges a......

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January 24, 2022

Article: The Military-Industrial-Academic-Political-Scientific Complex

J. Scott Turner

The “scientific and technological elite” Eisenhower warned about in his famous Farewell Address is clearly here, deeply entrenched and wielding enormous power.

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November 23, 2021

Article: Happy Thanksgiving from NAS!

David Acevedo

Before we sit down for Thursday's feast, here are five things we’re thankful for this holiday season.

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October 20, 2021

Article: How Can State Legislatures Counter Chinese Influence in American Higher Education?

Rachelle Peterson

This written testimony by NAS Senior Research Fellow Rachelle Peterson focuses on the CCP's continual influence on American higher ed, as well as what state legislatures can do about it.

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August 23, 2021

Academic Questions: The Arab Military and American Foreign Policy

Edward S. Shapiro

A review of Armies of Sand: The Past, Present, and Future of Arab Military Effectiveness by Kenneth M. Pollack

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August 23, 2021

Academic Questions: The Wreckage of Endowed Chairs

Daniel Pipes

More and more history departments are staffed by named chairs, who through guaranteed income and other benefits leave their discipline in disarray by failing to attract students and allowing ever-grea......

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