
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

November 19, 2020

Video: Becoming a Citizen

National Association of Scholars

Video from the launch of Disfigured History, a report that details the slipshod, politicized history in all three of the College Board’s 2019 revisions to its History Course and Exam.

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November 18, 2020

Scholars: Replace the College Board with New Providers of Standardized Tests

National Association of Scholars

The College Board, the company behind the SAT and AP exams, continues to revise its advanced placement history exams to forward a skewed history that supports a progressive political agenda, says a ne......

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November 17, 2020

Circuit Court Upholds Race Preferences in Admissions

David Acevedo

The First Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of Harvard's admissions practices, claiming that there is "no error" in them.

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November 17, 2020

America Wasn’t Founded on Slavery in 1619 — but on Pilgrims’ Ideals Written in 1620

Peter Wood

Plymouth, not Jamestown, was the real beginning of America, argues NAS President Peter Wood in his new book, "1620,"  a comprehensive takedown of the New York Times' 1619 Project.

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November 17, 2020

Surprise! Americans Oppose Discrimination

John Rosenberg

When you spell out what "affirmative action" actually entails, Americans of every stripe vote against it. Race and sex preferences only pass when lawmakers obfuscate their true meaning.

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