
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

August 27, 2020

Video: 1776 v. 1619

National Association of Scholars

Was America founded on the idea of liberty or on the brutality of slavery?

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August 26, 2020

Title IX and Targeting the Two-Track Approach

Teresa R. Manning

Colleges and universities are devising their own sexual misconduct policies separate from Title IX in what may be an effort to evade the new regulations.

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August 25, 2020

Hunting the Phoenix: New Report Uncovers 600 Chinese “Talent-Recruitment Stations”

David Acevedo

New research by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute reveals the inner workings of China's international "talent-recruitment" scheme. America is by far its biggest target.

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August 25, 2020

NAS Applauds the Newly Drafted ATHENAI Act

National Association of Scholars

The Athenai Institute has drafted the Action to Halt the Expansion of Neo-Authoritarian Influence Act, a model state bill which would require Confucius Institutes to close by 2021.

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August 24, 2020

An Important Step in the Fight to Ban Chinese Confucius Institutes

Rachelle Peterson

Alabama state representative Tommy Hanes has unveiled a draft proposal to ban Confucius Institutes outright, a model we encourage legislators in the rest of the U.S. to follow.

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