
Read thoughts and initiatives from the National Association of Scholars.

April 22, 2010

A Response to CSU Chico's Diversity Strategy

Ashley Thorne

California State University at Chico’s president, Paul Zingg, has just circulated a draft “diversity action plan for 2010-2015” titled To Form a More Inclusive Learning C......

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April 22, 2010

What Does Sustainability Have to Do with Social Justice?

Peter Wood

In honor of Earth Day, Peter Wood examines the sustainability movement's Bookchin-born theory that "everything is connected to everything else." An excerpt: What about that idea that that huma......

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April 22, 2010

Collegiate Press Roundup 4-22-10

Glenn Ricketts

Issues in student news stories this week range from diversity, drug use, and the Tea Party, to grade inflation, apologies for inciting hate, and teaching tolerance.

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April 22, 2010

Attack of the Giant Plethora

Peter Wood

CSU Chico is asking for feedback on the draft of its diversity action plan for 2010-2015. We are happy to oblige.

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