July 13, 2015

The Remarkable Class of 2015 Must Save the Planet

Rachelle Peterson

From Bill Nye to Barack Obama, commencement speakers across the country encouraged the class of 2015 to "change the world" by changing the planet. 

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July 9, 2015

Donate to NAS by Shopping on Amazon

National Association of Scholars

You can now use Amazon Smile to give 0.5% of your purchases to NAS.

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July 8, 2015

“Diversity” and “Inclusion” Litmus Tests for Tenure

Ashley Thorne

Virginia Tech is now asking candidates for promotion and tenure to prove their "active involvement in diversity and inclusion."

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July 6, 2015

Board Member Warns of "No Child Left Behind" Civic Procedure Violation

National Association of Scholars

Dr. Sandra Stotsky calls attention to the lack of parent voices in "No Child Left Behind" re-authorization.

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July 2, 2015

Rachelle Peterson on WSJ Live

National Association of Scholars

The fossil fuel divestment fad indulges fantasy rather than grappling with economic realities. 

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July 1, 2015

Wharton School Professor's Book Supports Case that College Has Been Oversold

George Leef

In his new book, Peter Cappelli argues that college is not always a good investment.

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June 30, 2015

Supreme Court to Rehear Fisher Case

Glenn Ricketts

The Supreme Court has an opportunity to revisit an affirmative action case - and hopefully end race-based admissions policies.

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June 26, 2015

Black No More

Jonathan Bean

The case of Rachel Dolezal highlights the relevance of the satirical novel Black No More.

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June 24, 2015

AQ Erratum

National Association of Scholars

A correction to an article in our most recent issue of Academic Questions.

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June 24, 2015

Connecticut College Must Defend, Not Denounce, Professor Pessin

National Association of Scholars

The NAS condemns the vilification of Professor Andrew Pessin of Connecticut College and calls on President Katherine Bergeron to make clear that diversity of opinion is a prerequisite for the pursuit......

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May 7, 2024


Creating Students, Not Activists

The mobs desecrating the American flag, smashing windows, chanting genocidal slogans—this always was the end game of the advocates of the right to protest, action civics, student activ......

March 9, 2024


A Portrait of Claireve Grandjouan

Claireve Grandjouan, when I knew her, was Head of the Classics Department at Hunter College, and that year gave a three-hour Friday evening class in Egyptian archaeology....

April 20, 2024


The Academic's Roadmap

By all means, pursue your noble dream of improving the condition of humanity through your research and teaching. Could I do it all again, I would, but I would do things very differently....

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May 15, 2015


Where Did We Get the Idea That Only White People Can Be Racist?

A look at the double standard that has arisen regarding racism, illustrated recently by the reaction to a black professor's biased comments on Twitter....

October 12, 2010


Ask a Scholar: What is the True Definition of Latino?

What does it mean to be Latino? Are only Latin American people Latino, or does the term apply to anyone whose language derived from Latin?...

September 21, 2010


Ask a Scholar: What Does YHWH Elohim Mean?

A reader asks, "If Elohim refers to multiple 'gods,' then Yhwh Elohim really means Lord of Gods...the one of many, right?" A Hebrew expert answers....